Friday, April 20, 2012

Blessed are we

Blessed are those who actually feel they are poor in have the Kingdom
 and blessed are you who mourn and feel that grief and desire to repent...for you WILL be comforted.

How can we be humble this week?

How can we be more aware of our failures to love God and love others around us?

                   lets talk


  1. We can humble ourselves by focusing on other need before our own.

    Just a quick comment I have...
    I really feel like this passage. To the point its kinda embarrassing. I feel so poor in spirit and weighed down by grief.
    I feel embarrassed cause I feel like I'm supposed to always have my "christian everything is perfect" face on. Its really super hard to admit that I'm really really struggling...
    I'm in this cycle it seems of always messing up before God...

  2. Do not be embarrassed Abby. We are an un-embarrass-able people with God.
    When I think about the breakfast that Peter had with Jesus at the end of the gospel of John, I think of what is going on in his mind. He said he would never deny Christ, and then days later he denies him THREE TIMES! Just like Jesus said he would. After He was risen, he eats with peter and asks if he loves Him. It's like Jesus is saying "it's okay, I know you...even at your darkest I know YOU!"
    So not be embarrassed...come before the throne of God boldly and humbled...He will lift you up. You don't have to fake face...we do fall...but His mercies are new every day that we wake up.

  3. as for focusing on other needs before our own...

    Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
    (Philippians 2:3 ESV)
