Friday, September 23, 2011


So this Sunday we WILL be finishing up talking about Luke and John's gospels and throwing in a little activity at the end and THEN we will begin Jesus stories and His character the following week.


                 MATTHEW                                                                 MARK
Style:    He writes as a TEACHER                                          Writes like an action story teller

Goals:  To prove Jesus as Messiah                                         Shows Jesus is AWESOME! shows His ministry

To Whom:  To the Jewish                                                       Gentile/Roman 

Matthew has things such as genealogies, Old Testament cross references and background that educated Jewish people would be able to relate with and understand upon hearing.

Mark writes on behalf of Peter who actually knew Jesus and walked with Him. He writes with stories and physical things that Jesus did to show that He was the Son of God. Things that people (the gentiles) would be able to grasp and understand upon hearing.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Luke and John's Good News

This week we will be continuing our discussion and learning about the last two gospels according to Luke and then John.

Last week was really good and I'm glad that we are getting through this stuff in two weeks now so that it can soak in. Getting to know the simple backgrounds of each gospel and the writing styles and the history involved is great to always keep on the back burner while reading through the accounts of Jesus' life.

Prayer this past week was amazing!

Keep in mind who we are....we are the Church! We are the children of God called to come together for one another! We will ALWAYS carry one another's burdens and ALWAYS share all that we can with one another. There is no reason why we should be sitting in a room with people that are overwhelmed with sadness and at the same time people that are overwhelmed with gladness...we ought to come together and life one another up! And I'm so stoked that that is what we began to do last week with a time of prayer for the needs that were going on in that room! God honors obedience and I'm really proud of this group.

Friday, September 9, 2011


This Sunday we will be coming together to begin our look at the life of Christ! I'm stoked about it and I hope you guys are too. We will be looking into all 4 gospels this Sunday and through out the next 4 weeks or so we will be in and out of them looking at Jesus and His life, character, and how we can be more like Him.

Last Sunday we talked about "striving for peace" and striving for "holiness" for without which we will not see the Lord. Looking at the life of Christ is gonna be THE answer for these things. Looking at the way He had peace, showed love, and was holy, and how He interacted in this world is going to show us PEACE and HOLINESS!

So I'm excited to explore these things together and strive together as a people of God that want to understand God and His mission to us (to be holy and like Him) and to aid in our walk in this world of being a light to those around us.