Thursday, September 15, 2011

Luke and John's Good News

This week we will be continuing our discussion and learning about the last two gospels according to Luke and then John.

Last week was really good and I'm glad that we are getting through this stuff in two weeks now so that it can soak in. Getting to know the simple backgrounds of each gospel and the writing styles and the history involved is great to always keep on the back burner while reading through the accounts of Jesus' life.

Prayer this past week was amazing!

Keep in mind who we are....we are the Church! We are the children of God called to come together for one another! We will ALWAYS carry one another's burdens and ALWAYS share all that we can with one another. There is no reason why we should be sitting in a room with people that are overwhelmed with sadness and at the same time people that are overwhelmed with gladness...we ought to come together and life one another up! And I'm so stoked that that is what we began to do last week with a time of prayer for the needs that were going on in that room! God honors obedience and I'm really proud of this group.


  1. Kyle, well put. I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Keep in mind who we are....we are the Church! We are the children of God called to come together for one another! We will ALWAYS carry one another's burdens and ALWAYS share all that we can with one another. There is no reason why we should be sitting in a room with people that are overwhelmed with sadness and at the same time people that are overwhelmed with gladness...

  2. Cool! I can't wait for this Sunday!

    Also, please keep the morning prayer group my sister and I started at school in your prayers as our attendance slowly rises. We had 4 people today, I hope that we will have at least double that number regularly by the end of the month!

  3. Chris, that's really sweet to hear! And it's super encouraging. We'll be praying for you guys as you meet together to pray. I look back on high school and wish I had met kids like you. You will change peoples lives around you when you are being obedient to what God is telling you. Be encouraged bro and people will be looking back on things you and your sister are doing and will thank you.
